Concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs), can occur as a result of a blow to the head or body, causing a disruption in normal brain function. Concussion management physiotherapy is a specialized approach aimed at assessing and treating individuals who have sustained concussions to facilitate recovery and promote a safe return to daily activities, work, and sport.

At SECC, our dedicated team of physiotherapists are trained in concussion management and offer comprehensive assessment and treatment services for individuals recovering from concussions. Our approach focuses on addressing the physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms associated with concussions, tailoring treatment plans to each patient’s unique needs and goals.

Concussion management physiotherapy components:

  • Assessment: Thorough evaluation of concussion symptoms, including physical, cognitive, vestibular (balance), and visual symptoms, as well as assessment of neck and musculoskeletal issues that may contribute to symptoms.
  • Symptom management: Development of personalized strategies to manage concussion symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Vestibular rehabilitation: Targeted exercises and techniques to address vestibular dysfunction, including balance and coordination exercises to improve stability and reduce dizziness and vertigo.
  • Visual rehabilitation: Specific exercises and interventions to address visual disturbances commonly associated with concussions, such as difficulty focusing, double vision, and sensitivity to visual stimuli.
  • Graduated return-to-activity protocol: Guided progression through a stepwise return-to-activity protocol, starting with rest and gradually reintroducing physical and cognitive activities based on individual symptom tolerance.
  • Education and support: Providing education about concussion recovery, symptom management strategies, and guidance on activity modification to promote optimal healing and prevent exacerbation of symptoms.
Concussion Management Physiotherapy South Edmonton